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Food Bank Statement on Proposed Changes to SNAP

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Food Bank Media Relations

Statement from Food Bank For New York City President & CEO Margarette Purvis:

Today, the Trump Administration proposed a change to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) regulations that would take food away from people who are struggling to find consistent work.

Food Bank For New York City and our network of 1,000 soup kitchens and food pantries oppose this change because it would increase food insecurity and threaten to leave more families hungry.

Nothing—not any Farm Bill or any increased food banking—will make up for ill-conceived policies that punish people in need. Not only would this proposal worsen the daily hardships of millions of Americans, it reflects an out-of-touch and cruel indifference to people who in this city, are simply called New Yorkers.




About Food Bank For New York City:

Food Bank For New York City has been the city’s major hunger-relief organization working to end hunger throughout the five boroughs for 35 years. Nearly one in five New Yorkers relies on Food Bank for food and other resources. Food Bank takes a strategic, multifaceted approach that provides meals and builds capacity in the neediest communities, while raising awareness and engagement among all New Yorkers. Through its network of more than 1,000 charities and schools citywide, Food Bank provides food for more than 62.5 million free meals for New Yorkers in need. Food Bank For New York City’s income support services, including food stamps (also known as SNAP) and free tax assistance for the working poor, put more than $150 million each year into the pockets of New Yorkers, helping them to afford food and achieve greater dignity and independence. In addition, Food Bank’s nutrition education programs and services empower more than 50,000 children, teens and adults to sustain a healthy diet on a low budget. To learn more about how you can help, please visit Follow us on Facebook (FoodBank4NYC), Twitter (@FoodBank4NYC) and Instagram (FoodBank4NYC).

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