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Food Bank Statement in response to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order to Stay Home

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Food Bank For New York City responds to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order mandating that 100% of the workforce must stay home beginning Sunday, March 22 at 8PM, excluding essential services:

NEW YORK – Food Bank For New York City, along with our network of food pantries and soup kitchens across the five boroughs, provides essential services each day. 1.5 million New Yorkers regularly experience food insecurity, including one in five children in our city. As businesses have closed their doors in response to COVID-19, many people have been forced to rely on the emergency food network for the first time.

Food Bank For New York City is an essential service and we want to assure New Yorkers that we are open and our trucks are on the road delivering food to communities across the city each day. We and our members are all stretching our resources to serve those in need while protecting the health and safety of our clients, volunteers and staff. We are grateful for the support we’ve received from our donors, the community, and our government partners, and we encourage our nation’s leaders to continue to focus on providing a strong safety net for low-income Americans.

Food Bank continues to monitor the rapidly developing situation, and will provide regular updates on our website and social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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About Food Bank For New York City

For 36 years, Food Bank For New York City has been the city’s major hunger-relief organization working to end hunger throughout the five boroughs. Nearly one in five New Yorkers relies on Food Bank for food and other resources. Food Bank takes a strategic, multifaceted approach that provides meals and builds capacity in the neediest communities, while raising awareness and engagement among all New Yorkers. Through its network of more than 1,000 charities and schools citywide, Food Bank provides food for more than 61 million free meals per year for New Yorkers in need. Food Bank For New York City’s income support services, including food stamps (also known as SNAP) and free tax assistance for the working poor, put more than $110 million each year into the pockets of New Yorkers, helping them to afford food and achieve greater dignity and independence. Food Bank’s nutrition education programs and services empower more than 50,000 children, teens and adults to sustain a healthy diet and active lifestyle on a limited budget. Working toward long-term solutions to food poverty, Food Bank develops policy and conducts research to inform community and government efforts. To learn more about how you can help, please visit Follow us on Facebook (FoodBank4NYC), Twitter (@FoodBank4NYC) and Instagram (@FoodBank4NYC).


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