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Achieving Food Security in the New York State Budget

Right now, billions in state funding are being decided while half of NYC families struggle with basics. Tell your representatives to prioritize food, childcare, and housing in the New York State Budget!

The Need is Greater Than Ever

Food pantries are stretched thin trying to meet the community need for food that’s now higher than before the pandemic.

But together, we can change that.

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We’re fighting for affordable access to food, childcare, and housing for all New Yorkers.

Join us in advocating for a New York State budget that strengthens food bank programs to meet the rising needs of our communities. Together, we can provide more New Yorkers with fresh food, vital resources, and financial relief they need to thrive in 2025.

Explore our top three state budget priorities below.

See full list of priorities

Strengthen Food Assistance Programs for New Yorkers

Food pantries are a lifeline for New Yorkers facing food insecurity. That’s why we’re fighting to expand the Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program (HPNAP) and Nourish New York — two vital programs that power our city’s food pantries and connect New Yorkers to fresh, local food. Current impact:

NYC food pantries supported by HPNAP
in direct benefits through NNY
NYS food producers supported by NNY

Expand SNAP to Power Better Health Across New York

SNAP is our nation’s most powerful tool against hunger. We’re fighting to increase funding for NOEP to help more eligible New Yorkers know about and access SNAP, and a $100 minimum monthly benefit to improve nutrition and stability for those who need it most. Current impact:

New Yorkers rely on SNAP
in statewide economic impact from SNAP
of eligible New Yorkers don't receive benefits

Support Housing and Childcare to Build Food-Secure Futures

Food security starts with a stable home and reliable childcare. We’re fighting to expand housing voucher programs and prevent family displacement, while making childcare more affordable. Because no New Yorker should choose between feeding their family and keeping a roof over their heads. Current state:

1 in 4
NYC children live in poverty
more likely that housing-insecure New Yorkers face food insecurity
of families with children ages <5 can't afford adequate childcare

Act now to support critical food assistance programs!

Raise your voice to ensure that our local food pantries can feed more New Yorkers in 2025!

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From mobilizing leaders and clients from our member, community-based network to educating and activating our supporters, you can be part of actions to ensure all New Yorkers achieve food security for good.

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