Starting in 2025, we’re ensuring you still get expert tax help—at no cost. We’ve partnered with Campaign for Working Families, an IRS-certified provider with 20+ years’ experience, to continue to provide our free high-quality tax assistance services.
Get the same trusted tax assistance you deserve—start below!
In-Person Assistance
Make an appointment at one of Campaign for Working Families’ seven in-person locations in New York City:
- Visit the Campaign for Working Families website, Scroll down to listings under “New York City”, and click on “Schedule Appointment” button to find a day/time at a location near you.
- Or, call the Campaign for Working Families’ free tax hotline: (646) 981-6111, Monday – Saturday, 8:30 am – 7:00 pm.

File Yourself Online for Free
Take charge of your own finances! Use Food Bank’s free software to file taxes online yourself.
If you have filed your taxes online with us before, use our Free Tax Online software as you have in the past. If this is your first time, filing online is safe, secure and easy – if you can use social media, you can file your taxes yourself and save!
You qualify to use our free tax software if you meet one of the two conditions below:
Federal Tax Return Questions?
If you have any questions about your tax return please contact IRS at www.irs.gov or by phone: 1-800-829-1040.
New York State Return Questions?
For New York State returns at www.tax.ny.gov/help/contact/ or by phone: 518-457-5181.
Need More Options?
Call 311 for other free NYC tax providers.